Pcsx2 Keyboard Controls

Pcsx2 Keyboard Controls

Keyboard emulation isn't working in game, what do? When setting a key for a button, check the scan code box. This isn't a guarantee to work with all games, but it will add support for more games. If scan code doesn't work with the game, then DS4Windows simply can't emulate for that game. Xbox One Controller For Ps2 Games. Perfect for: Xbox 360 Xbox One DualShock 3. May be used on: Xbox Elite, DualShock 4, Switch Pro, Joy-Con, Stadia, Steam, Xbox Series X, DualSense. Download reWASD. Custom left stick response, custom right stick response. Joypad, free and safe download. Joypad latest version: Use an iPhone as a remote game controller.

PCSX2 Keyboard Controls 2021

If you want to play PlayStation 2 games using PCSX2 (PS2 emulator) on pc. But don’t have gamepad to play PS2 games on your personal computer. If you want to use keyboard and mouse as a game controller. so here is the best PC to PS2 keyboard and mouse control settings.

LilyPad 0.12.1 (Id) Settings Screenshot:

Pcsx2 Keyboard ControlsPcsx2

PCSX2 Keyboard and Mouse Controls Settings:


Pcsx2 Keyboard Controls Not Working

  • PC Controls To PS2 Controls

Pcsx2 Mouse And Keyboard

  1. WM Keyboard 1 → L1
  2. WM Keyboard 2 → L2
  3. WM Keyboard 3 → R1
  4. WM Keyboard 4 → R2
  5. WM Keyboard 5 → Select
  6. WM Keyboard 6 → Analog
  7. WM Keyboard 7 → Start
  8. WM Keyboard 8 → Mouse
  9. WM Keyboard A → Square
  10. WM Keyboard D → Circle
  11. WM Keyboard I → R-Stick Up
  12. WM Keyboard J → R-Stick Left
  13. WM Keyboard K → R3
  14. WM Keyboard L → R-Stick Right
  15. WM Keyboard M → R-Stick Down
  16. WM Keyboard S → Cross
  17. WM Keyboard W → Triangle
  18. WM Mouse M Button → L3
  19. WM Mouse X Axis + → L-Stick Right
  20. WM Mouse X Axis – → L-Stick Left
  21. WM Mouse Y Axis + → L-Stick Down
  22. WM Mouse Y Axis – → L-Stick Up


How To Use Keyboard Controls On Pcsx2

Above I mentioned the best settings for PCSX2 keyboard and Mouse. But You can also customize the PCSX2 Controller according to your own.