Pdf Mystery Method The Venusian Arts Handbook

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Posted on 2007-06-14, updated at 2009-05-20. By anonymous.Handbook

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The Mystery Method - How To Put Beautiful Women Under Your Spell - The Venusian Arts Handbook - Second Edition:
The 'World's Greatest Pick Up Artist' Has Just Dumped His Entire Brain Into A Step-By-Step Handbook To Transform You Into A 'Don Juan' To Generate Amazing Attraction With Any Woman!
Book Info:
Published in 2005
Author Erik von Markovik

Description Download Mystery Method - The Venusian Arts Handbook.pdf Free in pdf format. The Mystery Method is obviously working for people who implement it, so why all the hate? Mystery is making a living out of helping people succeed., 05:26 PM #11. Routine and other pua routines. Mystery methof mystery method guide mystery dvd pick up download. PUA Mystery Method - The Venusian Arts Handbook.pdf mystery method opener the cube.The M3 Model is Mysterys breakdown and analysis of the COURTSHIP phase of any. The Model Of Mystery Method.

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Amogis a pickup slang in seduction community. It was original coined by Tyler Durden, who is now running the company Real Social Dynamic with Papa. Amog Stands for Alpha-Male Other Guy. It Means PUA(Pickup artist) uses Psychological, physical, verbal and social tactics to eliminate a potential rival--usually boyfriend or other guys accidentally in the group. The term Amog can also stands for 'Alpha male of the group'. In seduction community, it believes that if you prove you are a Alpha Man, then you have demonstrated high value, and build attraction for the female. The attraction to the female is a critical step in the process of seduction.

In Mystery Method or other pickup artist's methods, like Double Your Date by David DeAngelo, Amog isn't a very important aspect in seduction. They focus on building connection with the female. In their seduction system, the term 'Cockblock' may mean the same thing. Cockblock stands for a guy who try to disrupt your game accidentally or on purpose.

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When Tyler Durden entered the seduction community, he attached particular importance to this issue. He wrote many long articles about how to deal with Amog, and made may awesome Amog Routine. Despite Neil Strass's somewhat ironic speculation in his Non-fiction bestseller - 'The Game' that TD attached great importance to Amog cause 'Stealing A Woman From The jocks who used to pick on him in school was a tasted far sweeter than simply seducing a woman sitting a lone in a cafe', the significance of dealing with Amog has been widely recognized in the seduction community.

In Tyler Durden's Opinion, Amog are competitors with pickup skill who actively seek to interrupt your set and steal the girls. But you must remember that most people are not amogs. So Be careful about using the Amog tactics. As to when pua can use Amog routines, TD proposed a new rule -- 80% rules. It indicates when you see a guy and a HB staying together, eighty percentage of the time he is not her boyfriend.


Here are some Amog routines field-tested probably hundreds of times, and you can find more in www.seductionbase.com

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Amog Routine One:

AMOG: Hi girls, what's up?

You: Hey dude (put your hands in the air like you give up), I will pay you a hundred dollars right now to take these girls away from me.

(The girls will go, 'No, no. We love you.' And they'll giggle and crawl on you, which is immediately deflating to the Amog.)

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Amog Routine Two:

When Amog try to physically dominate you, like picking you up & giving you a hug, 'sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to upset you (winks at girls with you in his arms)', you should insinuate they are gay.

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AMOG: [Starts touching you to show dominance)

Pdf Mystery Method The Venusian Arts Handbook

You : Ha ha, dude (show you are flattered). I'm not into guys, man. Dude, the gay club is over there. Put your hands off the merchandise, buddy.


1. Neil Strauss: 'He Aims! He Shoots! Yes!!' The New York Times, January 25, 2004
2. Mystery Method
3. Seduction Community
4. Mystery (2004), The Venusian Arts Handbook, Mystery Method
5. Mystery and Lovedrop (2004), Mystery Video Archive Encyclopedia
6. Strauss, Neil (2005), The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists, Regan Books, ISBN 0-06-055473-8
7. Tyler Durden, The Amog Tactics