Reveal Formatting In Word 2016

Click: about Using the Reveal Formatting Pane in Microsoft Word at Get the complete tut. Clear All - Click this button to remove all the formatting and reapply the Normal style. Click the New Style button to open the larger Create New Style From Formatting dialog box. Click the Reveal Formatting button to open the Reveal Formatting pane (see the Review the text formatting quickly using the Reveal Formatting task pane).

Posted May 26, 2011 by Rob Rogers in Microsoft Word

Reveal Formatting In Word 2016

View special characters and formatting codes in Word.


Sometimes Word will just format things oddly and it’s not really clear what is going on. Seeing the formatting codes will really help.

Reveal formatting pane word 2016

1. Go into the Format menu
2. Click Reveal Formatting
3. Under options in the Reveal Formatting window, select the Show all formatting marks check box.

Do this again to turn it off or just close the Reveal Formatting window.

Shortcut: SHIFT-F1 and then click on your text.

Word 2007/2010

1. Go to the Ribbon and select the Home tab.

2. Go to the Paragraph section of the Ribbon.

3. Select the Show/Hide button. Turn it off by selecting the Show/Hide button again.

If not all of the formatting marks disappear when you turn it off:

1. Click the File button .

2. Select Options.


3. From the left pane, select Display.

4. Find the Always show these formatting marks on the screen section and uncheck the corresponding checkmarks for the formatting marks.

Reveal Formatting In Word

5. Click the OK button.

Word for Mac 2008/2011


1. Click the Word menu
2. Click Preferences
3. Click View

Reveal formatting pane

4. Click All or your specific request under Nonprinting characters

5. Click OK


1. Click the View menu
2. Click the Reveal Formatting selection

3. Now click on the area to see the formatting of that area

Reveal Formatting In Word 2010

About Rob Rogers

Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.
View more articles by Rob Rogers

How Do I Reveal Formatting In Word 2016

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Reveal Codes In Word

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